NANA - Hachi and Takumi 2 Next » « Prev blueskadoo as Nana Komatsu "Hachi" 小松奈々 and thiefbydesign as Takumi Ichinose 一ノ瀬巧 from NANA ナナ Taken during NANA Photo Shoot at Fanime 2011 on Sunday, 29 May 2011 at 11:41 p.m. by SpookyElectric Download Embed Share: Share on Tumblr Download Best size for Facebook / Google+ / WorldCosplay 706 x 1084 Best size for 414 x 637 All Available Sizes for NANA - Hachi and Takumi 2: 706 x 1084 532 x 818 414 x 637 322 x 497 64 x 96 Embed Codes HTML (blogs, websites) BBCode (forums) Size 64 x 96 (Thumbnail)322 x 497414 x 637532 x 818