Digimon - Patamon and Gatomon Next » « Prev Digimon - Patamon and Gatomon Taken at Digimon Picnic on Saturday, 21 August 2010 at 4:02 p.m. by SpookyElectric Download Embed Share: Share on Tumblr Download Best size for Facebook / Google+ / WorldCosplay 1332 x 1034 Best size for Cosplay.com 640 x 500 All Available Sizes for Digimon - Patamon and Gatomon: 1332 x 1034 795 x 619 640 x 500 469 x 368 96 x 72 Embed Codes HTML (blogs, websites) BBCode (forums) Size 96 x 72 (Thumbnail)469 x 368640 x 500795 x 619